I am your Master Potter and you are the clay. I have set My Hands upon you, My people, as a Master Potter fashioning an honorable vessel. Did you feel My Potter's Wheel spin beneath you more swiftly; did you recognize that it was My touch of wisdom painting another coat of glaze upon you this season? My foot is still upon My Potter's Pedal, My people. I am continuing to shape and mold you into the vessel I have envisioned you to be...My masterpiece, My vessels of gold and silver to be set on display to show forth My Glory and My Beauty in the earth.
My Beloved, in My wisdom and Fatherly love, it is necessary to use My tools to work your clay. Sometimes it will hurt and My cutting away those things in your life... My taking up My scalpel and skillfully chiseling a new groove in the fabric of your character will be painful; this process of making you into an honorable vessel fit for My use is foremost on My mind, for I have you at the center of My heart~
Even as I have centered you on My Potter's Wheel and you can feel My foot directing the spin in your life, know with certainty that it is My All-Knowing Hands of unconditional and Eternal love touching you and making you into My vessels to be showcased and utilized for My purposes on the earth.
Will you stay on My Potter's Wheel until I have fired your vessel and cast My finishing touches of gloss to polish your texture and to make you ready for My Big reveal? You are My priceless treasure; My earthenware jar of choice...
Filled with My Glory to be poured out upon the earth so that others may know My love...through your touch, your words, your actions that demonstrate and reveal who I am; so that they may come to be where We are....
Standing in My Eternal Glory, a vessel of honor, My instrument of love in the earth...prepared and ready to be poured out for My purposes as well. Stay on My Potter's Wheel, My people...just a few touches more.
Prophetic Word by: Margaret Stearns 12/28/2020