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"The Light of Today" by Jess Hall
“O LORD, you light my lamp. My God turns my darkness into light.” (Psalm 18:28, GW) My son’s artwork from elementary school has hung on...

"Through Storms To Abundance" by Jess Hall
Suffering happens. Problems and pain are not prevented. Heavy burdens of worry, fear, guilt, and shame are not lifted. We may not know...

"You Are My Praise" by Jess Hall
With all my heart and soul My lips praise you Proclaiming Who you are Singing whose I am No matter the troubles Surrounding without No...

"Rewarded With God's Presence" by Jess Hall
“And without faith it is impossible to please God, because anyone who comes to Him must believe that He exists and that He rewards those...

"Flying Toward" by Jess Hall
“…oh that I had wings like a dove! I would fly away and be at rest…” (Psalm 55:6, ESV) Flying away and hiding out may sound like the easy...

Welcome God Home - by Jess Hall
"One thing I ask from the LORD, this only do I seek: that I may dwell in the house of the LORD all the days of my life, to gaze on the...

Do We Desire To Be Made Into A New Vessel To Pour Out His New Wine?- by Margaret Stearns
Are we content being an old wine skin and comfortable and complacent to continue to pour out old wine? Are we stuck in an old glory? Are...

"Freed From Failures" by Jess Hall
Am I letting fears about my past Form failures in my future By lack of faith in my today? How quickly I forget my salvation. That perfect...

"Trust and Soar" byJess Hall
Soaring sky Flying high Away If only Weighted down On the ground Stuck In today Yet pain Can gain Freedom With faith Call out His Name...

His Death on the Tree Brought Eternal Life to Me -Jess Hall
“…Christ loved us and gave Himself up for us as a fragrant offering and sacrifice to God.” (Ephesians 5:2, NIV) God made the first...

"Lost and Found" By Jess Hall
"The angel of the Lord found her by a spring of water in the wilderness..." (Genesis 16:7 ESV) Those days when we are so exhausted and...

"Finding God's Love Every Morning" By Jess Hall
My heart cries out but shame holds my lips together in silence. My God who I so desperately long for must be wearied by my worthlessness...

Look Up
Look up from your problems. From every worry and pain making you draw inward. Look up from your phone, laptop, TV, work, family,...

Ignite His Light
"...God is light and in him is no darkness at all." (1 John 1:5, NKJV) God is light. Living within us. Shining from us. A flame, when...

Not Perfect, Fully Loved
"When I said, "My foot is slipping," Your unfailing love, LORD, supported me. When anxiety was great within me, Your consulation brought...

How to be an Influencer- by Momma Vie
“You haven’t even experienced life.” The comment on one of my adult children’s social media posts stopped me in my tracks. The post was...

"Trust...Delight...Commit...Be Still"- by Jess Hall
“Trust in the LORD, and do good… Delight yourself in the LORD… Commit your way to the LORD… Be still before the LORD and wait patiently...

5784 ~ Grace, Completion, New Beginnings...Open Doors- by Margaret Stearns
This is the year of your Jubilee! This is the time for your crossing over... Step across your Jordan and step into your Promised land! Do...

"Renewed Through the Storm" by Jess Hall
“Create in me a pure heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me. Do not cast me from Your Presence or take Your Holy Spirit...

"The Lifter of Our Head"- by Jess Hall
"But You, God, shield me on all sides; You ground my feet, You lift my head high..." (Psalm 3:3, MSG) Look up from the mountains Look up...

My Morning Dew- by Margaret Stearns
Can you see My morning dew on the ground? It glistens in the sunshine... My appealing meal I have spread for you! Have you gotten up...

True and Complete Freedom- by Jess Hall
“…where the Spirit of the LORD is, there is freedom.” (2 Corinthians 3:17, ESV) - Freedom: “eleutheria” = liberty, freedom (from...

Old Sweater-by Jess Hall
“The light keeps shining in the dark, and darkness has never put it out.” (John 1:5, CEV) Depression An old familiar sweater Its weight...

Puzzling Pieces of Life-by Jess Hall
Life is a puzzle. Random pieces scattered across a tabletop with no clear picture of the completed piece. So desperate to see the end...

“In Our Place On The Cross” by Jess Hall
“For Christ died for sins once and for all, the righteous for the unrighteous, to bring you to God…” (1 Peter 3:18, NIV) There is no...

Do You Know Your Enemy?- By M. Anne Blount
Early one morning, I walked in the door from watering my garden. When I came in, I locked the door behind me, and then I went back to...

2023 Equals You And Me Strategically- by Margaret Stearns
In 2023 it is all about you and Me! Come away into your Bridal chambers and sit at My feet. Allow Me to speak tenderly to you and receive...

Hold His Hand In Today- by Jess Hall
Overwhelmed by to-dos that never get done. Swamped by the constant flow of tiring tasks and never-ending notes. Surrounded with...

I Choose You- by Jess Hall
You did not choose Me, I chose you. Before you were even born, I knew you. Every hair on your head, Every path you would take, Every...

Center of You- by Jess Hall
As the center of each rose is unique, so is the center of you... Every rose center Perfectly placed Each petal Layer upon layer Caught up...

Thanksgiving- by Jess Hall
“Enter His gates with thanksgiving and His courts with praise; give thanks to Him and praise His name.” (Psalm 100:4) - Gates:...

Copy of Trust God With Our Tears- by Jess Hall
Every tear of sadness and shame. Anger and inadequacy. Loss and despair. Every tear from our frustration, temptation, and pain...He...

Copy of Copy from Feb 22- My Dream- by M. Anne Blount
I was pinned down. I couldn’t see how I was pinned down, but I had this overwhelming feeling that I couldn’t get up. As I was laying...

Copy of GOD’S LOVE- by Hajo Iya
I grew up in rural northern Nigeria and I can remember from an early age, sitting in Sunday school being taught by evangelical...

Copy of Single Woman’s Lament- by Vonyee K. Carrington
Like Hannah, Like Elizabeth, Like Anna in the temple, I bring my request to Your feet, Jesus Like Ruth and like Rahab I ask why You show...

Copy of Aging in God's Eyes- by Denise Glenn
To all the women out there aging gracefully or wishing they could- this is for you. I turned 62 a couple of weeks ago and was not sure...

Transitioning Into The New- by Margaret Stearns
Be prepared to endure greater external attacks and be ready to crucify your carnal responses as it is My desire to pour you out as a...

Copy of Broken to Beautiful- by Jess Hall
I give You control of all my past guilt and shame. The should-haves and should-never-have-dones. Control of all my future hope. My dreams...

Copy of WORDS TO DIE BY-by Lyn Jordan
I will provide grass in the fields for your cattle and you will eat and be satisfied. (Deuteronomy 11:15, NLT) Whoever loves money never...

Copy of BEFORE TIME- by Hajo Iya
Long before time began, God saw how humanity would fail Him and fall innumerable times because of the sinful nature in the heart of every...

Copy of Processing Through My Fear- by Vonyee K. Carrington
Recently, a friend posted on her Facebook page that she was looking for content writers for a possible blog. I said in my head “I ain’t...

Do you see Giants or Grasshoppers? - by Margaret Stearns
I hear the sound of marching in the top of the trees. Can you hear the marching in the spirit, My children? Are you hearing My shofar as...

"Finding Strength Through Sluggish Days"-by Jess Hall
“The LORD is my rock and my fortress and my fortress and my deliverer; My God, my strength, in whom I will trust…” (Psalm 18:2a, NKJV) - ...

"The Garden, The Cross, The Glory"- by Margaret Stearns
The Lord has brought many of us into our very own Gethsemane where we are wrestling with Him and where He is touching our hearts to the...

At The Cross- by Jess Hall
At the foot of the cross, kneel down. With tear tracks and cheeto stains, Anger flushed and hair mussed, Come as you are... In the shadow...

It Is Time To Spring Forth!- by Margaret Stearns
Indeed, it is time to build My House, My people. Do not look at the natural and presume that it is time to continue to slumber and to...

Pointing With Purpose- by Jess Hall
“…He is not far from each one of us. For in Him we live and move and have our being…” (Acts 17:27b-28a, NIV) - Live: “zao”- to...

A Personalized Vision For 2022- by Margaret Stearns
I see a wide door opening into our Heavenly Father's heart and lots of room for us to sit at His feet and listen and eat of the many...

Copy of Jesus Christ Our Hope in the Midst of Crisis- Pastors Nils and Liliam Campana
Join us this week when our Savior was born and listen to Pastors Nils and Liliam talk about the Hope we have in the Midst of any crisis! ...

NEVER ALONE-by Jess Hall
Many of us this Christmas season may be alone. We may be mourning the loss of a loved one or still searching for the right one. Maybe we...
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