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May 14, 20242 min read
Do We Desire To Be Made Into A New Vessel To Pour Out His New Wine?- by Margaret Stearns
Are we content being an old wine skin and comfortable and complacent to continue to pour out old wine? Are we stuck in an old glory? Are...

Nov 21, 20231 min read
5784 ~ Grace, Completion, New Beginnings...Open Doors- by Margaret Stearns
This is the year of your Jubilee! This is the time for your crossing over... Step across your Jordan and step into your Promised land! Do...

Aug 8, 20231 min read
My Morning Dew- by Margaret Stearns
Can you see My morning dew on the ground? It glistens in the sunshine... My appealing meal I have spread for you! Have you gotten up...

Mar 15, 20232 min read
2023 Equals You And Me Strategically- by Margaret Stearns
In 2023 it is all about you and Me! Come away into your Bridal chambers and sit at My feet. Allow Me to speak tenderly to you and receive...

Oct 1, 20222 min read
Transitioning Into The New- by Margaret Stearns
Be prepared to endure greater external attacks and be ready to crucify your carnal responses as it is My desire to pour you out as a...

Jul 23, 20222 min read
Do you see Giants or Grasshoppers? - by Margaret Stearns
I hear the sound of marching in the top of the trees. Can you hear the marching in the spirit, My children? Are you hearing My shofar as...

Jun 4, 20221 min read
"The Garden, The Cross, The Glory"- by Margaret Stearns
The Lord has brought many of us into our very own Gethsemane where we are wrestling with Him and where He is touching our hearts to the...

Mar 19, 20222 min read
It Is Time To Spring Forth!- by Margaret Stearns
Indeed, it is time to build My House, My people. Do not look at the natural and presume that it is time to continue to slumber and to...

Jan 8, 20222 min read
A Personalized Vision For 2022- by Margaret Stearns
I see a wide door opening into our Heavenly Father's heart and lots of room for us to sit at His feet and listen and eat of the many...

Nov 6, 20212 min read
I Am Remaking You Into My New Vessel- by Margaret Stearns
Jeremiah 18:4 - And the vessel that He was making from clay was spoiled in the hand of the Potter, so He made it over, reworking it into...

Sep 25, 20212 min read
The Wife Of Christ- by Margaret Stearns
My precious Lord, my precious Husband. Take me into Your chamber of love to lay in the warm comfort of Your arms' embrace. Make me Your...

Jul 17, 20212 min read
I AM STIRRING YOUR NEST- by Margaret Stearns
Prophetic word, written: 7/7/21 Like a mother eagle I am stirring up the nest to cause you to become uncomfortable and to loosen your...

Jun 5, 20211 min read
My Foods Of Revelation- by Margaret Stearns
Who is this coming up from the wilderness leaning on the arm of her Beloved? Do you see the blooming of the crocus and do you see the...

Apr 24, 20212 min read
April Flowers Bring.... The 'Sun" of God Riding on His White Horse- by Margaret Stearns
Can you smell My fragrance as you begin your new day in Me? Do you see the new buds forming and the tender blades of grass growing? I...

Mar 13, 20213 min read
The Sound of Marching- by Margaret Stearns
Can you hear the sound of marching in the tops of the mulberry trees? It is the sound of My End-Time Army marching at My clarion call to...

Feb 9, 20213 min read
Master Gardener- by Margaret Stearns
We are in a new Era. A new cycle has begun. It is very important to allow the Holy Spirit to search out our hearts like using a...

Jan 19, 20211 min read
DO YOU KNOW WHAT TIME IT IS?- by Margaret Stearns
Do you know what time it is? Do you see the arms on the face of the clock? What time is the hand pointing to? Are you aware of the Hour...

Dec 5, 20203 min read
My End-Time Army of Prayer Warriors- by Margaret Stearns
I am fashioning you like a two-edged sword, My Bride, My Remnant. A greater impartation of My spirit of intercession I am giving you, My...

Oct 30, 20203 min read
Possessing The Gates of Your Enemies- by Margaret Stearns
I will cause you to again, walk and traverse and possess your lands...yes, your 'lands'. I am bringing expansion into your life; greater...

Oct 15, 20202 min read
Make Me Your Arrow- by Margaret Stearns
Yes, Lord...Make me Your Arrow, filled with Your Glory. I yield to Your Hand; send me in Your power and in Your strength. Make me a sharp...
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