As I was looking out over the lawn, the snow had already begun to melt; the sun was warm against my face and the Lord asked me, "What do you see?." Gazing out across the grass I was recalling scripture that mentioned manna upon the ground, falling like dew in the morning.

"Every morning, My beloved, I am waiting to meet with you to speak to you a fresh word of life and love. Like the dew from Heaven, I desire to feed you My words of truth and sustenance.
Truly, these are the days which are upon you now that you must be intentional to get up early to meet with Me so that I might fill your heart and give you My instruction.
I have a measure of Manna to feed all who are hungry, who thirst for Me and My words of truth. Do not be idle or complacent in this season but be alert and rise up early to seek My face.
If you search for Me with all your heart, you shall find Me; if you thirst and hunger after righteousness you shall be filled and be satisfied. Fill your jars with My heavenly Manna that I am pouring out from My storehouse from Heaven. Gather in the morning, gather in the evening, gather at noontime.....Rise up early, stay up late.....Do not hesitate to seek My face and receive from Me and taste of My heavenly Manna I have provided for you."
"Fill your jars an omerful of My Manna, My true spiritual food; My bread shall satisfy you.
Let your testimonies of My goodness be upon your lips to speak to your generations."

"What do you see?'"...'Lord, I see Your faithfulness throughout the generations of Your saving love and provision.'
"Feed on My Manna...Be renewed in your mind and spirit. Rise up and eat of My Heavenly Food I have provided for you."
Written by: Margaret Stearns Received by: Holy Spirit 4/22/2020